The Internet is the coolest!

Im eagerly awaitng the new Arcade Fire album to come out, and in the meantime ive been looking for Arcade Fire stuff on the net. I found a nice bootleg on Tuesday that has them playing some of the new stuff live. It wasnt until yesterday that i realised the show was from 1/21/07! I downloaded it on 1/23/07. Less than a 36 hour turnaround from when they played to when i had it on my pc.
The internet, as i stated, is the coolest.
dude--they were on SNL on saturday. first time hearing them--i think i might like them!!! send me soem good stuff--let me know if i am right or wrong?
i miss you a lot!!
when are you and cris coming down? stay with us!!!
7:50 PM
Send me your physical address through myspace or e-mail or something, and ill make you a cd. =)
11:04 PM
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