At least it was just Starbucks
While im still not ready to dive into my two recent cross border dates (im still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing), i did have a first date on Saturday night. It was a spur of the moment thing with a girl i had been e-mailing, and we decided to get together at Starbucks.
I could tell pretty early on that she wasnt the gal for me. Don't get me wrong, she was pretty, somewhat funny, successful and stable, and had pretty good taste in music and films, but there was just something about her that made me know right away that she wasnt really the girl for me. I think maybe it was some of her reactions to things i said, or some topics that she seemed a bit closed minded about.
Anyways, the weird thing was that it was almost preferable to have a bad date. That may be poor word choice, it wasnt really a bad date, i had a good time. I guess i just mean that i left the date without thinking there was any potential. Somehow that made the date better or easier because i didnt have to fret and wonder if the potential would ever be realised, or wonder what i would have to do to make that happen.
Maybe ive just been burned too much lately by potential that falls apart without warning. It wasnt long ago that that feeling of potential after a date was i was hoping the most for. Now i kinda dread it cause im always wondering when its gonna reveal itself as nothing more than a facade. I dont want to be a cynical dater. Hard to see how that could be successful.
I have a friend who tells me that i attach too quickly to people. They are probably right, but i dont know how else to be. I dont know what its like to hang back and be casual, especially when dating. Dont get me wrong, when im single, im single and try not to force committed relationship stuff before it happens naturally. Thats one of the reasons ive tried to keep dating new people, even when i date someone super promising. But once you decide to give it a try, i dont know how to be in that situation except to try and be all in.
Looks like i have another first date coming up this weekend on Sunday. Ill let you know how it goes. I dont really have a gut feeling about this one. We have only chatted a little bit up to this point, certainly not enough for me to get a good feel of the situation. Ill keep you guys posted.
I also saw Quantum of Solace on Saturday. I know a lot of people didnt like it, but i did. Sure, the action was obviously influenced a great deal by the Bourne movies, but once you got past that, and if you were paying attention, there was a pretty interesting story there. The only problem was that they didnt hit you over the head with it, and if you didnt focus between the action, you would miss the subtleties of the story.
"bad" dates are like a mixed blessing. It also helps to teach you what you don't want in a partner and sometimes you don't realise it untill you actually see it in someone else. Hope that makes sense. I think that you are trying to hard at the dating thing. Just let things happen. I think I use to be the same way. I would jump in head first and be super attached right away. I realised one day that life is far too short to get too serious too quickly. Dont get me wrong one day I want to have that special someone in my life, but right now I am just going with the flow.
Enough of my rambling. Seriously though, from what I can tell from your writing you can be very analitical (sp). When it comes to relationships sometimes you have to follow your heart more then your mind. Try not to think about things so much!
12:36 PM
I have some better advice for Patrick:
Stop being a push-over, If wouldnt find you to be too kind and flexible they will exploit that part of you with ease.
Nice guys finish last
Chicks dig the bad guy
Remember this.
2:51 PM
IF they would, not If wouldnt... my apologies.
2:52 PM
moose it sounds as though you have been burned yourself a bit... and perhaps are a bit sinical... not all women like the bad guy, not all women will exploit the kindness in a man... also it goes both ways.
i do agree with you that he should not be a push over!
4:43 PM
How do you figure i'm cynical? have you even read any of his posts? Patrick is in dire need of an intervention here pal. Every action he has with a potential partner of his is selfless, passive and borderline desperate.
I can understand encouraging him, but do it in a positive way by giving him advice he can actually use - don't enable him to keep making the same mistakes in his relationships and perhaps he'll get somewhere.
Pat, take my advice on this one; Find a nice girl, show moderate interest and occasionally show her a mediocre time. It works, trust me.
8:21 PM
Good to see you guys were busy today while i was working. Mous, you bring up some good points, as im exceedingly analytical and struggle with that. And yeah, im sure i am trying really hard right now, ive consciously made dating a focus.
Moose, i get what you are saying, and agree wholeheartedly if all i was trying to do was find women and make them like me. The problem is, the women who like bad boys are not the women for me, at least not long term. Im looking for the girl who never wanted the bad boy, or has moved beyond that phase. Im *not* a bad boy, not even slightly.
So you are right, id have much more success with the ladies with your plan, i just think id get further away from finding the *right* lady.
10:54 PM
I was told by someone I may be intrested in a post, it was maybe 4 posts ago? I read the post and comments as I no longer do so. It wasn't the entry that caught my attention it was the ignorant comment left by Alegra that caught my eye. As far as I know Alegra we have never talked let alone met so where do you get off calling me selfish? or answering the reason why I said I was hurt, because my ego was hurt? You clearly don't know me and I'm very dissapointed in Patrick's response to your words, because he obviously doesn't know me either. I ask you to find someone I know to say one bad word about me, I can make this easy for you, you won't, well maybe that I can be too nice. I feel the need to defend myself and feelings as no one else will. I am a very giving person who puts the happiness of others before her own, an attribute of a selfish person? I don't think so. I am nurse, why because I like to help people. More specifically I work in forensic mental health why, because there aren't enough people who will give the mentally ill a voice, let alone those who are in the forensic system, selfish person?
As for the reason I told Patrick I was hurt...Now you have to understand our relationship we dated briefly but i fell hard, fast. As a person who doesn't smile often I was grinning from ear to ear all the time, I had people asking what the hell had gotten into me, my response..Patrick. My best friend who only met him once was telling me I think he's the one, and honestly I was secretly thinking the same thing. A few months pasted and I did some soul searching coming to the realization Patrick was not what i needed. I broke up with him this also breaking my heart. I had thought this was a very special relationship and to hear Patrick was moving on after a week, this made me feel like everything I had felt was a joke or a lie, not that I still wanted him to want me. A month later I am still grieving the loss of our relatioship and not ready to start dating, but maybe I'm kidding myself and should just move on.
So again Alegra I ask you not to make ridiculous comments without knowing the facts first, it makes you look stupid.
11:50 AM
Briony -
I appreciate the comment. Im sorry if you felt that my "moving on" somehow cheapened what we had or felt. It was far from that. I knew from the discussion we had when you broke up with me, and your lack of wavering afterwards, that there was no point in waiting for you. It's not a comment on what i felt for you, just my own way to cope. We all have different ways of dealing with heartbreak.
If i had my way you'd still be the only girl having dinner with me, or with a chance to feel my arms around them.
I don't think you are selfish Briony, i know the decisions you have made were not easy for you, and i respect your wishes. I hope you know that none of my actions have ever meant to hurt you. I miss your friendship, but want nothing but the best for you, even if that cant be me.
12:23 PM
moose, how do you figure your comment did not sound cynical? you told a nice guy to stop being a nice guy. Patrick is who he is and from his posts it does not sound like he has a bad boy bone in his body. I do NOT think that he should be a push over by any means. I was simply stating that not all woman will exploit good kind qualities in a man. actually the majority of the woman i know are nothing like that. perhaps patrick is looking in the wrong places for women he is dating.
patrick does not sound like he needs an intervention, he just needs to relax and let go and have a good time.
Briony, I do not know you or Alegra. But I can say that from reading patricks thoughts and feelings he really cared for you. I could see why you would be upset when he started dating so shortly afterward it makes sense. As far as Alegras comment, dont take it personally, like you said she knows nothing about you and as an outsider looking in I think her comment was innocent. I think she was simply trying to make patrick feel better. It sounds as if you have a lot going for you, dont let that get to you. I actually commend you for doing some soul searching so early on and being honest enough with your self to know this was not the relationship for you at this time.
patrick, i hope your dating experiences go better. who knew your blog would turn into such a popular place for so many opinions.
11:01 PM
Mous, yeah i didnt expect any of this, but am thankful for it. Its always good to get different opinions, and perspectives. Thanks for being willing to read, and taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate it more than i know how to explain.
I certainly didnt expect Briony to ever be reading this, let alone commenting on this. I *hate* the fact than anything ive done has hurt her in any way. The thought itself is anathema to me. All i ever wanted was for her to be happier after we interacted than she was before. Maybe that sounds over simplistic, but that was all i really cared about. At least from her post it sounds like before she decided i wasnt for her, she *was* happy, and i can take some solace in that.
Relaxing and having a good time is a struggle for me sometimes. Good observation. Im working on it. Im trying to just hang out with lots of people, especially new people, and just go with the flow. Trying to enjoy the kind of people maybe i didnt spend so much time with before, be it on a date, or with a group of friends. I think im loosening up a bit, without leaving my standards behind. Im sure i have a ways to go...
11:31 PM
Patrick, i am glad to hear that you are trying to loosen up some. But dont loose your core values and beliefs, then you wont be you. But I think you already know that. Seriously though work on just living life. I have learned time and time again how very short life is. It really is not worth it to over think everything. try doing something once a week or once every other week that you have never done before. it will help you loosen up.
and i enjoy reading your thoughts. thank you for sharing.
8:33 PM
Thanks for enjoying reading my thoughts, mous. Im still debating whether or not to share all the stuff from those two dates i had recently. Its unbelievably bizarre to me, and i still havent wrapped my head around it. Thanks for the patience.
1:53 AM
Not a problem. Maybe you should try writing down your thoughts about those two dates, you dont need to post it on here. But writing things down can be a good way to organize your thougths and feelings about something, and it helps to just get things out, even if no one else reads it!
9:22 AM
Thanks Mous. I just finished writing a post about the first date, and you are right, it did feel good to just organize it and write it down. Ill do the same for the 2nd date at some point, and then decide whether or not they are worth worth putting up here.
11:13 AM
Patrick, glad to hear to took my advice. Writing is an excellent outlet, good for so many things. Your writings are always worth posting, it is just a matter of if you want to share or not.
5:17 PM
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