Do not decode these cries of mine, they are the road and not the sign

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Risky Business

I looked on emusic tonight to see if they had "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. This could mean that my entire music taste has fallen to the wayside. Or it means that Risky Business was on HBO tonight, and ive always held a secret fantasy involving Rebecca DeMornay and a subway. Only a TV schedule will reveal the truth.

Oh, they didnt have it, emusic i mean.

I havent written here in ages. Id say it's cause i dont have anything to say, but its more the opposite. Too much to say and not enough words to express whats on my mind. Work is finally under control. I think.

Ive also discovered that my friend circle has split almost completely in two. Single and Married. By single, i mean no significant other of any kind. Not a lot of boyfriend/girlfriend action going on in my various circles. Just me of course. Weird. Am i supposed to be married by now? Will i ever get married?

Seriously, if anyone knows, im all ears.

I've bumped into a ton of good music lately. So much in fact, that i cant find enough time in the days to listen to it all. There are worse problems to have. At least last fm helps me keep it all straight. Sometimes my listening habits surprise me.

So, what's up with everyone else?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I'm not married, and I'm 46 days older than you, I'm going to run with "You shouldn't be married unless, you know, you're feeling the flow, baby."

Let's hang soon, eh? (What I just said is true, is it not?)


9:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way, I'm a "Sussudio" fan myself (regrettably).



9:52 PM


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