No Paranoid Androids Here

I got to see Radiohead for my first time on Friday night. They were excellent, even if the set list was a little.... mellow. I mean, there was no "Paranoid Android", "My Iron Lung", "National Anthem", "Just", or "2+2=5". They did play a killer version of "Planet Telex" however. That was pretty sweet. Dont get me wrong, the show was excellent, and they are crazy tight musically, i just would have liked to see a little more LOUD stuff. Actually "Bodysnatchers" from In Rainbows was pretty good too. Here is the setlist:
1. 15 Step
2. Reckoner
3. Optimistic
4. There There
5. Morning Bell
6. All I Need
7. Pyramid Song
8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
9. The Gloaming
10. Wolf at the Door
11. Faust Arp
12. No Surprises
13. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
14. Idioteque
15. Climbing Up The Walls
16. Nude
17. Bodysnatchers
(1st Encore)
18. Like Spinning Plates
19. Videotape
20. Airbag
21. Talk Show Host
22. Street Spirit (fade out)
(2nd Encore)
23. House of Cards
24. Planet Telex
25. Everything In Its Right Place

This is setting right before the show begins. I really like the venue, as far as outdoor amphitheatres go. Nice and angled so the lawn seats have a good view.

I discovered that my camera has no zoom. This is my *best* shot of the show. All my show pics look just like this, except i have blue ones, purple ones, and red ones. It looked pretty cool in person, i promise. I know this picture just kinda looks like im watching a rave at the Parthenon from a distance. It didnt look like that in person. The picture at the very top is very close to the poster i purchased at the show. I look forward to having it permanently affixed to some wood and hanging it in my bedroom. My bedroom is a little lacking in the area of decoration.
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