Blog 2.0
If i have any readers left they may have noticed that i haven't blogged a lot recently. Darn happiness! I spent so much time blogging about so much negative trying-to-find-the-right-relationship kinda stuff, that i think i forgot how to blog happily. I forgot how this can be a forum to dwell, through writing, on all the wonders in life, and explore the many, many things in life that make me happy.
I'm going to fix that, and I'm going to try and reboot my blog.
I really feel like my life is heading in a new direction, with lots of huge changes ahead. I'm looking forward to all the changes, and chronicling them all here.
I was toying with the idea of starting a brand new blog. The idea of all the old emotional maudlin stuff from the past few years hanging on here is unsavory to me, but starting a brand new blog isn't optimal either. I might just go back through and unpublish a majority of my past bad relationship, over emotional, ramblings. They are an important documentation for my own personal uses, but i don't think they are really appropriate in a public format any longer.
So if anyone is still reading, the new blog starts now. Thanks for sticking around through the tough times. I think there is a lot of good times ahead!
Editing completed. I think i have a much more readable blog now =)
12:52 PM
good time to admit this then. I slept with one of your ex's multiple times while you two were dating.
I know you dont have pre-marital sex so she was craving it. sorry bro.
2:22 AM
Better you than me.
9:54 AM
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