Do not decode these cries of mine, they are the road and not the sign

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe

Im going to bed in a minute. Really i am. Im sick and i need sleep to get healthy, my work piles up and really doesnt care if im sick. So i need to be not sick.

I thought id snag a movie before bed. I was gonna watch Babel. I havent seen it since i saw it in the theatre, and id been itching to watch it again. I own it, so it wouldnt have been an ordeal to just slide it in and marvel at so many people in so many places having so many weird connections.

But then i remembered. I own like 30 movies i have never seen. I have a problem. 4 for $20 is too much for me to pass up. People always are so proud of thier massive book collections, maybe i just want a movie collection that is similar. Dont look at me like that, you know those people havent read all those books.

Anyways, i figured i should watch one of the ones i hadnt seen. So i stuff The Last Kiss in. Zach Braff picks good scripts, and is a good actor. You would just never know if you caught him on Scrubs. It was a very Patrick movie i suppose. I hate Patrick movies.

I shouldnt be allowed to watch movies at all. They make me think, and where has thinking ever gotten me? Do i not have enough confusion when it comes to making life altering decisions that i need to watch a movie that shows me how much of a crap shoot it all is? Is this supposed to help?

Having a cat in the apartment now doesnt help. Im becoming "The Longest Winter" right before my eyes...

Spring comes slowly to this old friend.
Still I'm frozen, I still live alone.

In time memories fade, senses numb,
one forgets how it feels to have loved completely.

Love well young man, while you still can.
Once your leaves turn you won't love again.

In time memories fade, senses numb,
one forgets how it feels to have loved completely, completely.

Is it special when you're lonely,
will you spend your whole life in a studio apartment with a cat for a wife?
The seasons, when they call you do you barricade the door?
Are you stubborn, stubborn, stubborn to the core?
Is it your way or the highway?
Is it your way or the highway?
Is it your way or the highway?
Is it your way or the highway?
Then the longest winter is on her way,
you called her without knowing it but now it's too late.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, i have actually read all my books--i am a dork like that :)

so, i take it you didn't like the last kiss? i havent seen it yet myself.

is everything okay in your world? if you need an ear, i got two for ya :)

5:49 PM

Blogger Patrick said...

Ah thanks. The book comment wasnt directed at you. You are a special case.

I actually really liked The Last Kiss. Most of the movies i really like force me to think about things i dont think about normally without a little emotional coercion. Otherwise the movie is most likely not memorable to be.

It just isnt always a pleasent experience.

Everything is ok, but id be all about catching up sometime...

5:54 PM


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