Do not decode these cries of mine, they are the road and not the sign

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Broken Social Scene apparenly too broken for me

Im home tonight instead of the option on Rock 'n Roll in downtown Buffalo. Instead of enjoy music through the "who knows if this will sound audible" sound system of the town ballroom, im lounging at home getting to know the latest Tess Wiley disc and trying to recall what Sixpence song she wrote and sang lead vocals on. I suppose it wont be hard to figure out.

Apparently it was "Disconnect" and i was totally off with the lead vocals bit. That's all Leigh Bingham.

Maybe i can dig out some old Phantasmic/Splendora stuff and add it to my itunes. Crazy how much my stuff isnt on there. Most people see my 15,000+ songs on there and think its a lot, but i know better. I could double that and still have swaths of my collection not making an appearence.

Anyways, the Tess album is pretty chill, but i was enjoying it. Felt very rosie thomas-y. Thats ok, Rosie is swell.

Sigur Ros's "Hvarf-Heim" double ep came out this week. It's great stuff and all, but just kind of reminding me that i have another month until im watching "Heima" all upcasted on my tv in surround sound.


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