Do not decode these cries of mine, they are the road and not the sign

Monday, September 01, 2008

Thirty two and counting

"The harvester is here
his blade is on your skin
to plant a new beginning
Well then, let the cut begin"

Birthdays on some level are always a good time to reflect and see how things are going in your life. Im happy to say that when i looked over things i smiled. Im blessed with so much, and im happy all the time. I know not everyone can say that, so i try to remember it as often as i can, and not take it for granted.

Im also trying to be open to new beginnings. Im a creature of habit, and change, which is part of new beginnings, isnt really my strong suit. However, if im honest with myself, new beginnings are almost always well worth the uncertainty and change. I can say that for sure of the things in my life that have begun recently. Not that i wasnt happy before, but its amazing to be happy, and then add things to your life that just increase your level of happiness in multiple areas.

Alright, im not gonna gush about my abundance of happiness any longer. Its all true, but doesnt make for very good reading =P.

On a side note im looking forward to 10 years from now when ill be the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Start thinking of questions to ask me, and ill give advice once i get there.


Blogger sw said...

Happy Birthday, Patrick! Sorry I missed it. It's good to see you writing on here again.

11:58 AM

Blogger Patrick said...

Thanks, its even better to have something in my life inspiring me to write. My brithday was great, even though im old now...

11:33 PM

Blogger sw said...

yes, you're way overdue in sending me an update e-mail. or maybe i'm overdue. let's say we're overdue, and you go first, but no pressure.

inspiration, huh? what's that taste like?

12:02 AM

Blogger Patrick said...

Ill get to work on that update e-mail. I think it was my turn after all. I suppose there is a lot to share. My blog usually only scratches the surface.

Did you get the stand ins yet? I wanted to dislike it, but then i listened to it.

12:05 AM


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