Thankful for my fuzz head
Those of you who read this and know me well know that im a pretty happy guy. Sure, things get me down from time to time, but unless something is knocking the wind out of me emotionally, my default emotion is usually chipper. I love Thanksgiving. Im overly aware of all the wonderful ways that im blessed, so a day to revel in that suits me well. I also like football and turkey, so what's not to like?
This year i was in a bit of a funk. It probably didnt help that a guy used to working at 1pm had to get up at 6:30am to be at work at 8am, on Thanksgiving. It probably didnt help that work was fairly devoid of any other human contact. It was like being in purgatory, for non catholic insurance professionals. Mix all that together and you have an overly tired man, stuck at work with nothing more than his thoughts, which betrayed him a bit and focused on all his recent romantic misadventures.
I tried to bust out a bit. I got chai tea twice. I read a bunch of my Carl Sagan book that ive been reading. I listen to all kinds of music (Seriously, Josh Ritter, Cardigans, Nine Inch Nails, Zwan, i was all over the map). Most of it didnt help. Sorry Mr. Sagan.
This past summer i had the urge to shave my head again, or at least buzz it pretty short. I resisted such desires since i think i look awful when its growing back, and i knew i was gonna start dating and needing to make good first impressions. Once things started going well with Briony, and i was relatively sure she had accepted me for the man i was, i once again thought i should get rid of the do. She encouraged me, and so before we left for our weekend in Montreal, i got rid of most of my hair, down to the same length as my beard. Felt great. looked....who knows, im not a good judge of such things.
Of course, it was 3 days after Montreal that my girlfriend vanished and our relationship was never the same when she reappeared. Shortly thereafter i was single again, in just the spot i didnt want to be in..... single with the fuzz head. Its that hair length that is too long to still be considered shaved, but too short for any kind of hair product. It just has a fuzz to it, and it attracts things to it like Velcro. Its a joy, really.
Its probably not as bad as it feels to me. None of my dates have run screaming (Sure one of them vanished into thin air, but i have no proof the hair was a factor. Of course i dont know *any* of the things that were a factor in that, but that's a different topic...). One nice part of it is that its crazy soft to the touch, probably because it gets treated with the same conditioning bomb that attacks my beard every shower. Yes, beards require a ton of conditioner.
I got through work without falling asleep (a major accomplishment in my eyes) and made to my parents house in time for food before it got too cold. Food was excellent, company was nice, but my funk remained. Really not like me. I was watching football, my best friend whom my parents consider another son was there, dessert was tasty, but still i was having trouble shaking the down feelings.
I finally decided i was gonna go. I have to work in the morn, and have to leave early for some lunch plans with friends. I went to say goodbye to my little 5 month old niece Sophia who was laying on her back in the family room. As i leaned it to give her a little kiss, she reach up and put her hands in my hair. As soon as she felt my hair, she squealed in delight. She must have liked the way the soft hair felt on her fingers. She did it over and over, the reaction the same each time.
And that was it. No more down feelings. Little Sophia shook me out of it. And, it was the fuzz head that facilitated it, of all things.
So thanks Sophia. I appreciate the assist. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope this post finds you all well, happy, and with the ones you love. For all those i dont see much, at all, or no longer talk to for any reason, know im thinking of you fondly, and miss having more interactions with you. Thanks for being in my life!
you had a date vanish into thin air? Any way Happy thanksgiving! It happens to be my favorite holiday. I too am very blessed. Sorry to hear that you had to work. Am so glad that your niece was able to cheer you up. Hope that you have an especially delightful day tomorrow!
11:43 PM
Pretty much.... Poof!
Thanks for the thanksgiving wishes. Same to you.
10:21 AM
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