Onward to Rose City

Tonight is Viva Voce in Rochester. Their newest album "Rose City" came out last week and has yet to become mine. It showed up on Emusic this week, but i want a copy i can hold in my hands. Thankfully I'll get the opportunity to purchase one from the band directly tonight. Always the best way to go. I purchased "The Heat Can Melt Your Brain" the same way. There is something deeply satisfying about shaking the hand of an artist and looking them in the eye as you purchase their music.
I hope it will be a healing experience.
Good music has a way to both reminding you of all the sadness that creeps into your heart, while also making you unable to ignore the majesty of life that makes it all worthwhile. I wish i had someone to go with tonight. My Rochester buddy backed out, and i cant think of anyone from around here likely to want to go to Rochester and see a band they most likely haven't heard of.
Matt would have gone, but he doesn't show up til Wednesday. Too bad for me, and too bad for him! Viva Voce is soooooo good live. Anita Robinson playing guitar is something everyone should experience at least once in their lives.
It's funny about concerts. When im driving there, or drinking a coke waiting for the band to come on, i love having someone with me. It's fun to talk about why you like the band, or where you saw them last. After the show is over, it's great to have someone there to talk about how good a certain song was, or what we liked best about the set. Once the music starts though, it doesn't matter I'm alone. Even when i have company, it's still just me and the music. Maybe that's why i see so many concerts, and so many of them solo. That place you are in when the performance is on, when everything else kind of fades away leaving nothing but you and the music is where it is at for me. It just doesn't get much better than that.
I have read some of nyour posts and you are a talented writer. ( I am talking about your stuff not the lyrics you posts.) I know you don't know me and I don't know you,however I asked myself what is this person running from and why is he so afraid to be emotional?
4:03 PM
Thanks for the compliment. Those are good questions. Can i think about the answers?
What should i call you? I don't want to confuse you with another anonymous poster. =)
4:05 PM
You certainly can think of those answeres. You need not even posts them if you don't want to. It was more for your benefit than mine.
And you can call me M
4:37 PM
Good to meet you M.
I'm sure i will benefit. Especially since i didn't think i was running from anything, or afraid to be emotional. I'm enjoying the introspection already of trying to determine if i am those things, and what words i have used to paint that picture.
Thank you, I'm enjoying the journey already.
4:39 PM
i dont think you aree running from anything other than yourself really. but as i said before i dont know you only what i have read. so from that is where my observations come only responding to a fraction of the person you are.
11:47 PM
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