Do not decode these cries of mine, they are the road and not the sign

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Missing a Tea Party

The Tea Party played two dates in Buffalo last week, and i didnt go! It's still feels kinda shocking to me. I guess between the fact that i saw them a few weeks ago, the close to $30 ticket price, and the fact that ive now seen them 22 times, all created a mood in me that let me do other things those nights and not feel too bad about it.

Im sure they were good shows though. With any luck ill have them on cd within 2 weeks =)

I have friends coming in from out of town this weekend. Husband and wife. Will be really good to see them. The husband is a good friend, a youth pastor, with great taste in music. His wife is really sweet and funny... We are all going to go see a show in Buffalo. A band he really enjoys called "The Castanets". With any luck, ill even have my new girlfriend with me. Still feels weird to say that.

Speaking of the Tea Party, i bumped into one of my tea party friends that i havent seen in ages this morning. I call her a tea party friend cause she was a fellow fan of the band (thats how we met) and we tooled around seeing tea party shows together, but she long ago made the leap to regular friend. Anyways, seeing her this morning made me realize how many friends i have that i have not spoken to in ages. Gonna spend the rest of July making sure i contact them and let them know im still thinking of them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that includes me? :)

I should really give you a call sometime. There's no excuse! Sounds like you're doing great and i need to hear about your new honey!

8:17 PM

Blogger Patrick said...

Not only does it include you, the post was inspired by you miss cheese molester. =)

10:51 AM


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