~~ Heima ~~

I was greeted a little before 6 pm tonight (much to my surprise) by the UPS man. By the time i got to the door he was in his truck pulling out of the parking lot, but there on the doorstep, on the eve of it's North American release, was my copy of Sigur Ros' "Heima".
For those who dont know, Heima is a tour documentary of sorts. Icelandic band Sigur Ros played a tour of small towns in Iceland, all free shows, and documented them for this film. The results are breathtaking, from almost any perspective. Musically, Sigur Ros has always been the type of band to wow you with sheer beauty (I believe i saw their music described once as "Gorgeous-core"). The music throughout is lush and engaging, regardless of what language the vocals are in, if there are any at all.
Where the film really excels however, is taking the sights and people of Iceland and bringing them to the forefront while the music is entrancing you. The sights of the movie are incredible, both still and in motion. I highly recommend catching this on a widescreen tv, preferably upcasted to hd, with a nice surround sound system. (You can always just stop by my place for this =). I didnt get to see this is one of the theatrical screenings across the country, but this wasnt a bad way to take the film in.
I cannot recommend this film highly enough. Im sitting here even now a bit stunned from the beauty. Sometimes i forget about all the beauty around us, and more so the eccentric beauty in places like Iceland.
The Trailer...
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