Alive With Pleasure
As it turned out, Viva Voce is just what i needed last night. They played a set that was heavy with songs from their new album, and as expected they sounded much fuller as a 4 piece. Kevin and Anita were kind and gracious as always, and the 2 newcomers to the band really seemed to enhance the vibe.
As is typical of these types of shows the start time was nowhere near the advertised one. The show was supposed to start at 8. I got there at 9, left for some Starbucks, and came back with plenty of time to see the opener "Cut Off Your Hands", who didn't goon stage until 10:30. They were actually pretty good. Not up my alley enough to warrant purchasing their cd, but i didn't feel the need to hang out elsewhere while they played.
My buddy Brian was there with his girlfriend Kim which was no surprise. When Brian had an active band in Rochester they usually shared the bill when Viva Voce hit town so i knew he was a huge fan. He let me know that his old band is playing next month in Rochester which is excellent news. They are one of my all time favorite live bands, and have only played together once in the last 3-4 years. I'll be making time for that show for sure.
In the really unusual spottings category, i ran into someone from college last night! This is weird for a variety of reasons. For one my college is 400+ miles away so its not like i am, or was close to the school last night. For two, our enrollment for the whole school usually varied between 700-1000. Tiny school. You don't expect to randomly run into someone when you are buying some chai at Starbucks in another town. Odd, but nice.
Didn't get home til almost 2, but well worth it. Wasn't even all that sleepy on the way home. I was pretty charged from the show.

Kevin, doing something i didn't expect him to be doing, playing bass.

Anita, doing the thing she does better than any women I've ever seen, playing guitar.
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