Do not decode these cries of mine, they are the road and not the sign

Friday, August 14, 2009


Been a few days since i wrote, so i thought i would play a little catch up.

I decided to take a new position at work today. It's a lateral move with no pay change, but it certainly has a little more prestige, and will look better on my internal resume. If i ever decide to do something a little different for my career within the company, this will be a much better place to try from. I'm looking forward to the challenge and the new duties.

Had another non-date tonight. It went well. Another week or two and i should be ready to start scheduling some real dates. At least dates are always good at keeping my blog interesting.

Started to do some dream interpretation with the arborist last night. It was my first experience with that sort of thing. What i thought was a fairly innocuous dream about someone i know talking to their ex on the phone about me, while they rumaged around under a sink, and i waited patiently for the phone call to end, was apparently chock full of interesting things. I'm not sure i buy it, but it was interesting. I'll be curious to see where else the dream studying goes.

I misplaced my phone all day today. I was amazed at how disconnected i felt to the world without my phone. I use it for so much, calls and texts, keeping up with facebook, checking my e-mail, keeping up to date with sports. Without it, i was just kinda.... there. And it made making post work plans a bit tricky. I figured things out though, just took a little patience.


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