Do not decode these cries of mine, they are the road and not the sign

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cross Border Shopping

Im trying to mentally close out 2008. This usually means my year end music list (which is in process), but since i did so much dating this year, im trying to orgnize and tuck all that away too.

Just for the record, i went on 1st dates with 8 girls this year. 5 of them i had 2nd dates with. Only *one* of them got as far as a 3rd date. Clearly there is something happening (or not happening) on that 2nd date i need to be aware of. Maybe im too slow of a mover? Of the 8, I only kissed two of them, one being my girlfriend, and the other being a first date kiss.

My dating involved 2 countries this year, and i think i might try to cut that number in half for 2009. As a friend put it, if you live in Canada and we're talking, you have been grandfathered in, but no new Canadian applicants. That country has been nothing but heartbreak this year. Just the smell of anything maple makes me queasy lately. Thanks a lot Canada! Your women are heartbreakers.

Ive also decided that nice women are the hardest to date. I know that must sound awful/crazy, but it just seems to be that way. Girls that are a little unstable or have a bit of a wicked streak in them are easier to date because they tend to be open to showing all sides of thier personality, where as a nice girl tends to always be on her best behavior. Maybe thats my problem too? Always on my best behavior?

That being said im working on setting up a 3rd date with a very nice girl. Seems like a moral victory just getting to date #3. Wish me luck.

What does everyone want for Christmas?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck! :)

2:00 PM


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