Do not decode these cries of mine, they are the road and not the sign

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Name is Geraldine, Im Your Social Worker

I had an urge to write tonight, but i didn't have something i felt a huge need to get out, like i usually do. I'm not sure I'm the worst writer ever, but I'd wager I'm pretty close. Maybe this will be the post that lands me firmly at the top of the list. Ill keep my fingers crossed. =)

I'm trying to think of positive things to express. I'm getting close to ending my concert drought. I haven't seen a show since Nine Inch Nails in November. If there ever was a concert evening that i needed to replace with a better concert evening quickly, it was that one. It's hard to believe with my usual concert pace, it's been this long since I've seen a show. Chalk it up to no one good coming to Buffalo and no one good *enough* coming to Toronto to make it worth my time to drive up there.

Random things:

I can read and re-read questionable content all the time. Sometimes i just click on random, and then read like 50 strips in a row. It never gets old.

I started a game of Phantasy Star. I haven't played the game from to back since i was about 14. We'll see how it goes. At least now i have it in HD.

I spend day after day loathing the need to get everything moved over my old pc to the new one. The music is the largest task, but even simple ones like photos and bookmarks I'm shying away from. I can't figure out if I'm just lazy, or i just cant into that much background structure anymore. I used to find that stuff relaxing. Especially with the music.

They have released a book that reprints all the black and white issues of Zot!. Im super stoked to get it. Thanks to Kelli for making me aware of it. I think I'll order it tomorrow in fact.

I bought my first Beck CD Monday. It's "Sea Change". It was playing once in a cd store i was shopping in (in Oshawa of all places) and i was really digging it. We'll see if the appeal lasts outside of that mythical realm that is Oshawa. I also bought the soundtrack for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, just so i could have his cover of "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime". It's excellent, though i think its about a minute longer than it should be.

Prior to yesterday's purchase i only owned one song by him. His cover of Daniel Johnson's "True Love Will Find You in the End". It's not as good as Matthew Good's version, but it's still nice to have.

Interestingly enough, the CD I've been wearing out lately is the Glasvegas CD. They are a noisy, fuzzy guitar, atmospheric Scottish band that writes 60's pop songs that are filled with traditional Scottish cursing. The interesting thing is that the US version of the CD has 2 bonus tracks, the 2nd of which is a cover of "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime". I like the Beck version better, but the Glasvegas version isn't half bad.

Ive eaten lunch at Red Pepper 4 times in the last seven days. It's tasty. I wonder why I'm also repetitive with my lunch choices? Ill eat at the same place over and over until I'm sick of it, and then do the same thing somewhere else.


Blogger sw said...

they have Red Pepper in Buffalo? The taco stand? I thought that was for sure just a local thing.

Good call on the Beck album. I'm not into his louder stuff anymore, but I do like that album.

I hope life is treating you well.

11:26 PM

Blogger Patrick said...

No Tacos. It's a Chinese/Vietnamese place.

Life is alright. How is yours? We need to get together. Any visits to Toledo planned?

11:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you know i love you!!!

i keep meaning to buy the book too!! if you get it first, let me know how good it is!!

7:25 PM

Blogger Patrick said...

Its in transit from to me. Ill let you know how it is.

Love you too =)

1:00 AM


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