Bedtimes before midnight
It's crazy. Crazy i tell you! Going to bed before midnight. Madness. It's just not in my blood. Visit my parent's home at 2am. There are lights on. People up. *things* going on. That's what my DNA tells me is normal.
Yet now i find myself shuffling unevenly toward my bedroom at 11:30, or worse yet, just sleeping on my couch as sportscenter continues without me.
The things we sacrifice to start what is hopefully a career.
In positive news, im now licensed to adjust insurance claims in the state of CT. Yee-Haw. I know more about insurance than i ever have. Everyone gets sued, and you are always negligent. That's what i've learned. Its a litigious world we live in. You;re best bet is to own nothing, this way no one will want to sue you. Hmm. Wasn't this started as the *positive* paragraph?