I read the latest blog post from a buddy i didn't even know had a blog, and it reminded me that I had one too.
Things have been busy around here. I have a wedding in 16 days, I'm pondering new positions at work, I'm readying a top 30 of 2010 and top 50 of the 2000's music list, I'm getting ready for a trip to Iceland, finishing my degree (after a 12 year hiatus), home renovations, trying to Christmas shop...
Really the wedding is the big one. I'm happy to share the work load with my fiance (though truthfully, it's a 40/60 split at best), but it sure is a lot of work. Even now this close to the event we are still figuring out ceremony details, music selections, program details...
None of that is a complaint, this is the best year of my life, by far.
My fiance is amazing. She is truly the soul-mate i always thought i didn't have. I was completely wrong on this one. We *do* have soul-mates and mine is upstairs right now trying to sleep.
As much as i am looking forward to the wedding proper, part of me can't wait until this is over and we can go to Iceland and (sorta) relax. I only put the "sorta" in there because we have so much cool stuff planned. Horseback riding through lava fields? check. Monster truck tours of volcanos? check. My favorite Icelandic artist's only Iceland show of the year? check. Natural hot springs? check. Northern lights? check. The world's largest fireworks display? check. Bed and Breakfast at the foot of the active volcano that caused travel havoc all year? check.
I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things, but it's a pretty packed trip.
I promise to post pictures.