Saturday, January 27, 2007
The Internet is the coolest!

Im eagerly awaitng the new Arcade Fire album to come out, and in the meantime ive been looking for Arcade Fire stuff on the net. I found a nice bootleg on Tuesday that has them playing some of the new stuff live. It wasnt until yesterday that i realised the show was from 1/21/07! I downloaded it on 1/23/07. Less than a 36 hour turnaround from when they played to when i had it on my pc.
The internet, as i stated, is the coolest.
My Brightest Diamond

I downloaded "Bring Me the Workhorse" from My Brightest Diamond on Thursday night. I previously had one MP3 from her on my PC, which was a live cut of her performing Prince's "When Doves Cry". It's excellent, so when i heard some friends commenting on the album, i decided to give it a try. It's really really good. "Magic Rabbit" and "Workhorse" are the standouts in my eyes, but the whole thing is great.
She used to play in Sufjan's band (maybe she still does), so that right there should be reason enough to buy.
Intersting enough she is playing a show in Buffalo ina few weeks, as the opener for The Decemberists. Sadly, ill be in Grand Rapids Michigan that night (Enjoying Sufjan Stevens, Anathallo, Neko Case, and Emmylou Harris... its a good trade)
Quiet Avalance '07
1. A Whisper In the Noise - In The Dark
2. 16 Horsepower - Hutterite Mile (live)
3. JJ72 - Oxygen
4. My Brightest Diamond - Magic Rabbit
5. A Silver Mt Zion - Mountains Made of Steam
6. All Things Bright and Beautiful - Post-Modern Love
7. Antony - If It Be Your Will
8. The Arcade Fire - My Body is a Cage
9. Bell Orchestre - Throw it on A Fire
10. Lhasa - Anywhere on This Road
11. My Brightest Diamond - Workhorse
12. Bark Psychosis - Miss Abuse
13. A Whisper in The Noise - Hells Half Acre
14. Bush - Letting the Cables Sleep (Demo)
15. Iron and Wine - The Trapeze Swinger
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Never Before
I don't think i have ever had a job like the one i have now, in terms of demanding, stressful, and busy on a daily basis. Ive had some jobs that were busy on a daily basis, but didnt require a ton of mental aptitude.
So it kicks my ass on a somewhat daily basis. Tomorrow i may or may not have to make a presentation to one the highest people up in my company, certainly my general geographic area. Not that im stressed or anything. Ok, maybe a little stressed. I didnt find out until late today, and it could be as early as tomorrow morning. I need to know my claim inside and out, and be prepared to answer any questions he may send my way. Then i get to tell him what my take on the claim is, and see if he agrees.
I hope he likes amish beards. Maybe ill trim mine down a little. It *is* getting a tad unruly.
Ive been preparing mentally for my sleep by listening to Motherfucker=Redeemer by Godspeed You Black Emperor. I dont know if everyone else listens to 31 minute long post-rock instrumental songs to relax before a big day at work, but it seems to be working for me.
That, and watching hockey. Go Sabres!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Borrowing from another Blog
Since it made me laugh so hard. I work with Brian. Brian makes me laugh.
Stolen from Brian's Blog:
"...had lunch with Patrick and his girl, now I am currently formulating a plot to form a "Funky Bunch" to protect Patrick from harm. They would just be guys that burst into rooms before Patrick does and they would cross their arms and look menancing... they would also say stuff like "Yeah!" And "Hollah!" when Patrick speaks. Every once in a while they would punch things or slap food out of your hands while you try to eat. Maybe they would play techno music just to mess with your head.
It would be great, you could be eating in the lunch room when all of the sudden you would hear techno music start getting really loud, the door would burst open and these tough looking guys would be screaming and knocking food out of peoples mouths... Then Patrick would walk in and sit down. Then hot bitches would bring him a pie. Someone would ask what the hell that was all about... and some random dude from customer service would say in a hushed and reverent tone "That was Patrick's "Funky Bunch," they see everything...." And then some really big guy would tackle the kid and scream "No one speaks of the "Funky Bunch!!"